Remarkable Linkedin Profiles

By michelle

March 31, 2021

Being a job seeker is not easy and doing a job search every day is stressful and complicated. But it doesn’t need to be if you have a strategy defined and the right information.

As a career coach and a job search expert, I decided to share with you some facts and figures you must know about getting ready to look for a job. Optimizing and getting your Linkedin profile in order is one of the first things you should do.

Here are a few easy steps you can start with today!

1.    Use the #OpentoWork Frame- it’s not desperate, it’s honest and people will be willing to help. As a matter of fact, people who have this frame get 40% Inmails when they have the frame.

2.    Fix your settings to show recruiters that you are Open to work if you want to keep your job search confidential.

3.    Watch a video on LinkedIn Learning called “Rock your Profile”. You will get the latest updates right from Linkedin on how to improve your profile

4.    Professional Photo is a must, people who have a photo get 21 times more Inmails and 36 times more messages so make sure your photo is professional and current.

5.    List Industry in your profile you will get 9 times more views if you qualify yourself in the right industry as a category.

6.    Include Volunteer Experience: People who have volunteer experience get 6 times more views than those who don’t.

7.    Add skills- people who have 5 or more skills listed get 17 times more views than people who don’t have skills listed so make sure you list the skills in which you are most proud.

8.    Clear Summary: your summary and about section should be a bit longer than an elevator pitch, it doesn’t need to be a novel. Remember people will not stay very long on your page so it has to be easy to navigate and have your best features highlighted. 

9.    Use the record your name feature: (only currently available on the phone app) This little button to the right of your name allows you to record the exact pronunciation of your name for people who are unsure. This will show people that you are up to date on the latest features and want people not to learn the correct way you prefer to be called. Let people know you are a class act.

Want more tailored tips and tricks to make your Linkedin profile pop? Book a FREE Discover Call With me HERE!